
Sunday, July 25, 2021


Bethlehem Children's Camp 2021
St. Joseph's Center
Dominican Sisters
Bethlehem, Occupied Palestinian Territories
“Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world, They’re all precious in his sight.”

Join us in creating a summer camp in the Holy City of Bethlehem for children who have been abused during the COVID pandemic.
Half of the budget has been donated by citizens of Bethlehem.
100 children are enrolled for this free camp
that begins Monday, July 26,2021

Your support is needed now.
$40 donation covers the cost for one child.
Donations go to RUTHERFORD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, New Jersey and are tax deductible.
The church will transfer all funds to St. Josephs Center, Palestine
Please add a note in the Paypal screen designating your donation for the Bethlehem Children's Camp.

Donate Now

The Impact of COVID on Pre-school Children
Sima Al-Ghawaly, Beit Jala, OPT

One day, I passed to the Nursery to discuss some of the issues with the sisters. I saw innocent sad children. I wonder! Where is the smile, the happy faces, the laughing, and the active and lively kids?
I was shocked! I started to call them come on, wake up, let’s play. Let’s have fun but, no one moved. I started to notice bruise on their bodies, red faces, burned hands .

I asked the nun directly "what this is?" She said this is their parents’ deeds. I got crazy. Believe me I started to cry especially when I saw the hands of a child are burned . The boy said, “Don’t cry, at the beginning they were hurting but now they are okay.” I hugged him and ask him why you burnt your hands? Where you careless? He replied in innocent and sad voice,

“Mum wanted to teach me a lesson don’t hit my brother, so she burnt may hands.” There were around eight cases like this.

We have to make summer camp for long hours to protect the kids, offer them healthy meals and wake up their lively and innocent heart. I always depend on God and I have to wake up Jesus!


More Information

The Camp Program

Eighteen youth leaders will facilitate camp sessions as they work with the teachers and staff of St.joseph's Center. Psychologists will come regularly to work with the children.


Camp Program

Camp Budget

The budget shortfall is $3300.  Citizens of Bethlehem have donated food, supplies, insurance, psychologists, staff and location for the camp..  See the detailed budget.

Click here

Meet Sima Al-Ghawaly, Community Developer
Bethlehem, Palestine

Sima serves as a volunteer at St.J oseph's Center and is a trained asset-based community developer. She saw a community problem and responded quickly. Hear her story.


A team of faith community trainers from various churches and non-profits came together to coordinate a fundraising response for the Bethlehem Summer Camp 2021,  The team members are:

Rev Annie Allen, Pastor Rutherford Congregational Church
Dr. Caroline Njuki, Faculty, Northwind Seminary
Dr. Douglas Smith, United Methodist Global AIDS Committee
Rev. Michele Robbins, Pastor Ukiah United Methodist Church
Fran Eldredge, Early Childhood Educator, Israel/Palestine Task Force,California-Nevada United Methodist Annual Conference
Rev Brian Adkins, California-Nevada United Methodist Annual Conference

When you donate, please add a note in the Paypal screen designating your donation for the Bethlehem Summer Camp.

Donate Now

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